My name is Gabriela. I am a woman. I am 17 years old. I am from Mexico. I am from a city. The city's name is Tapachula. The city is always hot. We have a beach. I have a beautiful family. I have one brother. I have one sister. My father's name is Jorge. My mother's name is Irma. My sister's name is Irma. My brother's name is Jorge. He is married. His wife's name is Alejandra. She will have a baby in November. The family is so excited. I have a beautiful dog. He is a Siberian Husky. He is my baby. He is very lovely. I love my dog. My hobby is dancing. My hobby is singing. My hobby is swimming. My hobby is skating. My hobby is being with my friends. My hobby is going to the cinema with my friends. I love to dance. When I was a child I studied ballet. It was a really good experience. I really enjoyed that. I studied in two secondary schools. It was fun. I could meet new people. The high school was really cool for me. I liked the time very much. When I was at 9 years my father told me that I will go to USA. When I was at 9 years my father told me that I will learn english well. I started to study english in Tapachula. Before I came to USA I finished high school. The high school's name is preparatoria Tapachula. My father works in the school. My brother works in the school too. When I was in mexico i had many friends. I have many friends in mexico. I like to make friends. I was with them all the time. We went to many places together. We went to many parties together. We went to the cinema together. We eat together. I really enjoyed these moments. My friend's name is Rosalba. My friend's name is Miriam. My friend's name is Paola. My friend's name is Jorge. My friend's name is Anahi. My friend's name is Alex. My friend's name is Max. My friend's name is Salvador. My friend's name is Eder. My friend's name is Pauline. My friend's name is Hugo. I really enjoy to be with my friends because they are so nice. My mom is my best friend. My dad is my best friend. My sister is my best friend. My brother is my best friend. With my family I can talk about my life. If I have a problem my family is with me. If I have a problem my family helps me. My brother Jorge is 20 years old. When he was 19 he served a mission. The mission's city's name is Puebla City. Jorge returned to Tapachula to study law. He finished his major two years ago. Now he is a lawyer. Last December he married Alejandra. They are going to have a baby. The baby is a boy. Irma is 25 years old. When she was 16 she lived in the USA. She lived in the USA for 1 year. She lived in Denver. She said it was a good experience for her. She came back to Tapachula. She finished high school. She went to Puebla City to study english. She is in Puebla City studying languages. She has a boyfriend. Maybe next year they are going to marry. I really love animals. I wanted to study veterinary medicine. I changed my mind. When I return to mexico I want to study tourism. I will have many animals because I really love them. I want to study my major in Tapachula. I am from Tapachula. There is a university that has a major in tourism. I think it will be perfect for me. I can be with my family. I can be with my friends. I can enjoy them. I can enjoy my little dog. I have plans. I plan to learn english very well. I plan to return to mexico. I plan to study my major. I plan to finish my major. I plan to work. I plan to earn money. I plan to go to Hawaii. I plan to go to Europe. I plan to return to mexico. I plan to marry the correct person. I plan to have three children. I plan to make a wonderful family.