More natural interaction is provided by the ability for Brainhat to switch topic of conversation.

©2003 Brainhat, Inc.
All rights reserved.

An entire knowledge domain can be too much for a computer, just as for a person. But cut into pieces, it can become manageable. Narrow sub-domain knowledge gives Brainhat a focused ability to anticipate meaning, to better understand and to provide feedback to speech recognition engines. At the same time, a neighborhood of sub-domains gives Brainhat the ability to track shifts in a conversation and know where to go next; clues in context, words used, and inferences provide hints.

In Brainhat, these sub-domains are called memes. The whole collection is called a memeplex or mplex, for short. Each meme contains vocabulary, grammar, inferences, and propositions.

The domain or mplex has its foundation in a relational database. Grammar, vocabulary, propositions, inferences--knowledge, are brought to the fore and retired as needed. The record of an on-going conversation can become part of the meme collection to be ressurected at a later time.

Brainhat's ability to shift between memes gives it the power to converse across broad domains, and even accomodate multiple domains that may have little in common. At any instant, Brainhat will be operating from within a given meme and context. As other memes become more attractrive, Brainhat may shift. Memes can be mapped to aid in the flow of a conversation. Word definitions and grammars can be associated with the Memes, providing for different interpretations in different contexts.
