Computation with knowledge


'Brainhat' is a project to model knowledge, inference, reason and intuition, and to scale it. The objective of programming with knowledge is to build a system that "knows" things, can evaluate new information and react.

Is this AI?

The term Artificial Intelligence has come to mean high order curve-fitting with predictive capabilities. AIs are trained. The product is matrices whose contents represent the data they were trained by, structured for the program that trained them. In that sense, they're somewhat intransigent. To update an AI one has to retrain it. Accordingly, in use, they're read-only intelligence. Any sequential or stateful behavior has to be simulated by adding code around an AI.

Brainhat could be that kind of code; Brainhat + AI would be a powerful combination. But, Brainhat is not AI in the current conventional sense of the term.

Is this Natural Language Processing?

Maybe! But, no.... In the 1970s, Brainhat would have been called Natural Language Processing (NLP). That term has been subsequently repurposed to represent language translation, text summarization and bots. Brainhat, by contrast, processes with deep knowledge representations. Human language is valuable for conveying knowledge. But once Brainhat compiles it into a knowledge representation, the language is thrown away. So, in that sense, there's no natural language processing at all—except when communicating with you; Brainhat processes knowledge.

Is this for Chat Bots?

No. This is for computing with knowledge. Brainhat can interact with users with simple language. But one can also construct whole applications that don't communicate with language at all. The programming language is English.

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Copyright © 2024, Kevin Dowd.