Level-3 Memories (implicit inferences)

Level-3 memories, or "vignettes", are collections of CCs where the presence of some imply the presence of all.  Level-3 memories can be arbitrarily large.  We record a level-3 memory with the "-3"  or "-V" flag.

$ ./brainhat -3 +repeat
Starting new memory hash.

>> the weather was beautiful.
 the weather was pretty.
>> the sun was shining.
 the sun shines.
>> i walked on the beach
 You did walk on the beach.
>> i lost my dog.
 You did lose your dog.
>> bye

Invoking a level-3 memory

As with other local memories, level-3 memories are enabled when the "-A" flag is supplied.  The memory will be invoked when two or three of the CCs within it are similar to CCs in the newest portion of the context.  When the memory is restored, all of the CCs within it are restored.

$ ./brainhat -A +repeat

>> i walked on the beach
 You did walk on the beach.
>> the sun was shining
 the sun shines.
>> did i lose something?
 yes. You did lose your dog.
>> bye


Resetting memories

Clear memories by cleaning out the memories sub-directory, like so:

$ (cd memories; make clean)
rm *.mbin *~ core memoryhash.hsh
rm: cannot remove '*~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'core': No such file or directory
make: [Makefile:6: clean] Error 1 (ignored)

Level-3 memories are also referred to as implicit inteferences because the presence of some knowledge infers the presence of other knowledge.