Level-1 Memories

Memories come in several types.  Level-1 memories are about attributes, simple propositions and equivalences.  To create a level-1 memory, use the -1 flag:

$ ./brainhat -1 +repeat
Starting new memory hash.

>> the princess is pretty
 the princess is pretty.
>> the dog wants a glass of milk
 the dog wants a glass belonging to milk.
>> i was king
 You were king.
>> bye

When execution completes, indexed memory files will be left behind.  These can be resurrected in the future.  There are three statements in this memory.  Look in the memories directory to see the memory files created:

$ ls memories
Makefile  mem10e2c236.mbin  mem1a9d3182.mbin  mem1ed26391.mbin  memoryhash.hsh

Each of the '.mbin' files contains a compiled memory.  The file memoryhash.hsh is common to all of them.  It is the index for recalling memories when they become relevant.  The data in memoryhash.hsh is cumulative.

Resurrect a level-1 memory

To resurrect a level-1 memory, or any other memories, use the "-A" flag on the command line:

$ ./brainhat -A +repeat

>> how is the princess?
 the princess is pretty.
>> what does the dog want?
 the dog wants a glass.
>> was i king?
 yes. You were king.

Examine a memory file

It is possible to dump a memory file without querying for its contents.  This is done with the "-X" flag:

$ ./brainhat -X memories/mem1a9d3182.mbin 
'the-1 princess-n1 tobe-2 pretty-a1.'(Root-05f68aee), - simple attribute:  12626, 10515,...

Clean up old memories

When you wish to start over with memories, clean the memory directory:

$ (cd memories; make clean)
rm *.mbin *~ core memoryhash.hsh
rm: cannot remove '*~': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove 'core': No such file or directory
make: [Makefile:6: clean] Error 1 (ignored)